I got this information through Eric Brody's Twitter message.
"We've been ahead of time with some tweets concerning CTS, but never got down to the actucal surgical procedure.
The power of Twitter – brain surgeons and students tweeting real time during operation | Healthy Conversations: "Healthy Conversations: Creating New Energy For Health + Healthy Lifestyle Brands | The power of Twitter – brain surgeons and students tweeting real time during operation
Tremendous example of the power of Twitter. Watch this abc news report of surgeons tweeting real time with medical students and residents as they perform brain surgery at Henry Ford Hospital."
Eric Brody, the President of Trajectory: "We re-energize businesses by helping clients see and create new opportunities to accelerate growth. Before Trajectory, I was EVP Management Board member at Interbrand, the world's most influential brand consultancy. I've also held senior level marketing positions at Faberge, L'Oreal and Beiersdorf."
I don't mind you repurposing my content, but please ask that you give me the credit.
Thank you,
Eric, sorry for not doing that properly. I thought the link would take the reader to your page. It was a summer vacation blog and I'll edit it and add the mention.
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