
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Global Health Partner - Quality through specialisation

Global Health Partner - Quality through specialisation: I learned from the Swedish business journal Dagens Industri that Global Health Partner will be introduced on the Stockholm stock exchange in the beginning of october. Here is detailed information in Swedish.

About GHP

Global Health Partner is a second generation health care provider specialising in selected treatment areas, Service Lines, with unmet capacity or quality needs.

Our Service Lines

Global Health Partner aims to become a qualitative leader with strong local and regional market positions by building multi clinic networks within the selected service line areas.

Here is more details quoted from GHP web pages:



Orthopaedic surgery is traditionally delivered throughout Europe in general hospitals, which offer a wide range of acute and elective specialties. It is our view that more effective and patient friendly treatment can be provided in specialised, high quality, holistically oriented centres, where the complete range of orthopaedic procedures can be provided alongside dedicated diagnostic services and comprehensive post operative therapies.

This service provision is also underpinned by models of care based upon defined, benchmarked and measured clinical pathways, giving opportunities for continuous clinical assessment and development


The orthopaedics service line offers diagnoses, soft tissue & orthopaedic treatment and rehabilitation. The treatment is performed by a team of specialists in sports medicine who are in control over the entire process. The patients receive the best possible treatment by a team of internationally recognised specialists using evidence based techniques and modern equipment.

The other part of our orthopaedic Service Line offers prosthetic surgery, performed at both clinics.


Partnership Opportunities

We invite leading specialists to become partners and co-owners of our clinics to secure aligned interests and co-owners of our clinics to secure aligned interests and full engagement."

Helge: We could start talking about the One Stop Clinic model for hand surgery. More information about Blue Sky Orthopaedic services here.

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