
Friday, April 25, 2008

Doctors and General Practioners Using Computers

This survey puts Mediracer into a perspective. I think there is growing potential for a "better customer experience" allowing CTS-patients to get a service closer to their home. Waiting in line for a specialist ENMG-diagnosis

"Survey takes pulse of e-Health in Europe and prescribes wider ICT use among doctors. (25 April 2008)The European Commission published on 25 April a pan-European survey on electronic services in healthcare (eHealth) that shows:

87% of European doctors (General Practitioners) use a computer, 48% with a broadband connection. European doctors increasingly store and send patients' data such as lab reports electronically.

In using such eHealth applications, doctors and medical services have already improved healthcare in Europe through, for example, more efficient administration and shorter waiting times for patients."

The report also highlights where doctors could make better use of ICT to offer services such as telemonitoring, electronic prescriptions and cross border medical services.

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