
Monday, May 5, 2008

Mediracer Conclusion in Blue from Leicester BSSH

Managing Director Veijo Lesonen, Mediracer Oy, Finland. A new study by University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Great Britain and the University of Oulu, Finland was presented in Leicester last week.

. Measurement of sensory latencies across the wrist in suspected carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) can now be performed by non-specialists using commercially available devices. One such device (Mediracer®), developed in Finland, has been suggested by the UK Department of Health as being worthy of further assessment.

(Transforming clinical neurophysiology diagnostic services to deliver 18 weeks – DoH 2007).

Our study compared this device against standard neurophysiological sensory latency measurements. Experienced clinical neurophysiologists from Finland (MK and VL) carried out the traditional measurements, while UK Orthopaedic staff (TG and MC) performed the measurements using the new device.

Conclusions "in blue" - read more here >>

The new MEDIRACER® device produced comparable results in 119 out of 126 hands tested (an overall percent agreement of 94%). In symptomatic hands, a positive percent agreement of 97% was seen. Negative percentage agreement is 100%.

Linear regression fit between the two methods gave correlation coefficients of 0.88 and 0.95, both highly significant. (p<0.0001)

In non-specialist hands, the device can give clinically useful information on nerve conduction delays between finger and wrist, helping to quantify the clinical diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. It demonstrates a high degree of concordance with currently available nerve conduction testing.

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