
Monday, June 9, 2008

Long distance to hand surgery

I'm travelling from Sotkamo to Loviisa today. The distance is over 500 kilometers. In our country - and maybe many more - patients looking for carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis or hand surgery help have to travel long distances.

Another problem is the long waiting times. I chatted last week with a person from Stockholm that has to wait two months after diagnosis to get his hand operated.

The whole process from diagnosis to operation can take over six months. That's a long time.

We need more Blue Sky Orthopedic One Stop Clinics

"The British-Finnish CTS-collaboration has produced excellent results. As you know, princess Anne from the Royal family visited the 'CTS One-Stop Clinic' run by Blue Sky Orthopedic. Their service has received high-profile attention for an innovative approach including nerve conduct testing and surgery at the same clinic. But we as an organization have tons of work to do to get this message to general practitioners, hospital and health care administrators and occupational health service providers," Seppo Nevalainen explains.

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